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Is It Safe To Get Dental Implants While Pregnant?

Dental Implants While Pregnant

For missing teeth, dental implants Melbourne are the best option. The treatment can be performed on any patient in good health. Missing teeth should be replaced as soon as possible to preserve a healthy smile and to prevent bone loss and other oral health issues.

Dental Implants and Pregnancy

Pregnant women should seek out regular preventative dental health care, such as cleanings and exams. Although elective operations such as cheap dental implants Melbourne can be done after the first trimester, most oral surgeons prefer to wait until the patient is no longer pregnant.

Why Should Dental Implant Surgery Be Postponed?

Pregnant patients are usually given the go-ahead for standard dental treatments like fillings, crowns, and root canals after the first trimester.

According to studies, local anaesthetic is perfectly safe during pregnancy. Dental implants Melbourne, on the other hand, frequently necessitate more powerful anaesthesia, which might be dangerous for the expectant mother or her unborn child. Most treatments require x-rays, which the dentist advises against during the first trimester.

When Is It Necessary To Have A Dental Implant Procedure Done Right Away?

If you have a severely deteriorated tooth that is causing you discomfort, it may be necessary to extract it. If it’s a rear tooth that isn’t very noticeable, you can probably wait until after your kid is born to replace it. If it’s a front tooth, though, you should get it replaced right away with an implant. It is safe to have a dental implant placed under local anaesthetic as long as you are in your second trimester or beyond. If you are wondering about the dental implants cost in Melbourne, you can discuss with your dentist.

Dental Implants Procedure – Necessary Vs. Elective

Your dentist assesses the risks and advantages of any treatment in dentistry and medicine before proceeding. They strive to reduce the risk of injury to their patients at all times, but this is especially critical during pregnancy.

Why dental fillings are allowed, but dental implants aren’t? You may have had dental fillings during a prior pregnancy, or a friend of yours may have had an infected wisdom tooth removed while pregnant—why are such procedures okay, but dental implants aren’t? The distinction is that a dental implant operation is elective, which tips the scales in favour of the dangers over the advantages when considering the pros and cons.

An infected tooth puts your health and the health of your baby at jeopardy; the risk of postponing treatment is greater than the risk of proceeding. There is no considerable health risk in waiting for dental implants, thus there are greater hazards in proceeding with the procedure. If you’re concerned about a gap in your smile, your dentist can make a temporary restoration for you to wear while you wait for your implant surgery.